About the Company:
Center Ring LLC (the company behind Circus Legends) is dedicated to telling true and authentic circus stories (or "legends") from within the circus community, via all types of media from film & television to books and our fun new blog, where you can interact and share photos and stories with real circus artists!​
(Now shipping, our Coffee-Table book, Circus Legends).
About the Book:
From the Author: When I set out to capture the “now” photo of the artist’s page, I decided to go to their respective homes, because I wanted to capture them, comfortably and see who they are now. Interestingly pretty much without fail, when I arrived at their homes, besides offering me tea, coffee, almost all of them had piles of amazing old photos all spread out on the coffee table, ready to look through. I decided to embrace that feel in this book, the feel of photos just spread around as though the astonishing images they held were simply a family picnic photo. There was something wonderful about this way of looking through these 'out of this world' photos of them and their achievements that I wanted to have that same feel while looking through this book. There was something humbling about the nonchalant nature of flipping through these tattered photos and hearing “...and that’s when I was shot 100 feet through the air out of a cannon...” that I found just completely insane, in the most beautiful way. Because to circus people, those things were not crazy sounding or all that amazing, it was just every day life, simply “goin' to work.” Recently however, the circus is rapidly losing its audience due to unfair and too often false stories causing a negative public perception. Unless we and our children put down the electronic devices from time to time, get out together and be inspired by the circus and good old fashioned live entertainment the fact is, very soon, all that will be left are these tattered old photos. I believe the circus is a giant part of world history, so my hope with this book, is to preserve as much as I can, for these wonderful humans, these Circus Legends that I love so dearly.